The Employment Law and Social Protection Law division of BREMENS AVOCATS handles all aspects of employment and social protection law for corporate clients, independent professionals, associations, non-profit organisations, start-ups, and businesses. Whether dealing with routine matters or more complex scenarios, including cases involving significant social challenges, our employment law specialists combine agility, pragmatism, and creativity to deliver effective solutions.
The Employment Law and Social Protection Law division takes a transversal, end-to-end approach to offer business leaders, directors and HR managers tailor-made strategies that align with best practice. Our focus is on managing risks and developing solutions to meet the specific needs of the company.
We partner businesses by offering our expertise in employment law, human resources and social strategy, and a culture of collective intelligence to provide rapid solutions tailored to our clients' needs.
Our team provides solutions that address the complex and ever-evolving nature of employment law, and the expectations of the parties involved. Our lawyers also advise and assist in dealing with the social security authorities, including organisations such as CPAM, URSSAF, and MSA, labour inspectorates, DREETS, occupational health physicians, and more.
Areas of expertise:
- Individual relations
- Employment contract (drafting, development)
- Disciplinary law (disciplinary sanctions)
- Termination of employment contracts, including pre-litigation negotiations
- Directors' status and remuneration, delegation of powers, in conjunction with the Corporate Law and Tax Law divisions
- Criminal liability of companies and management in conjunction with the Litigation division
- Working hours, Paid leave, and Employee absences
- Protecting employees (assessing the validity of an application or appointment, implementing specific termination procedures, assistance in dealing with the authorities and administrative courts)
- International relocation and expatriation, work permits
- Group relations
- Setting up and operating staff representative bodies
- Support for companies in the event of an expert being appointed to the works council, through to litigation if required
- Internal investigations (harassment/discrimination/psychosocial risks)
- Downsizing: Mass redundancies, job protection plans (‘Plans de sauvegarde de l'emploi’ - PSE), site closures, assistance with finding a buyer, voluntary redundancy plans (‘Plans de départ volontaire’ - PDV), collective redundancy agreements (‘Ruptures conventionnelles Collectives’ - RCC), collective performance agreements (‘Accords de performance collective’ - APC), and more.
- Social dialogue, assisting negotiations with staff representatives and trade unions
- Company agreements: Assistance with negotiations, and drawing up and developing agreements
- Health and safety in the workplace
- Remuneration policies (contractual pay, variable remuneration, etc.) - Employee savings (incentives, profit-sharing, bonus schemes (PPV) and other benefit schemes) - Other employee benefits
- Corporate reorganisation and restructuring (mergers, demergers, acquisitions, setting up new businesses, staff transfers, etc.), in conjunction with the Corporate Law and Tax Law divisions, also on an international scale
- Employment law audits and HR audits, in conjunction with the Corporate Law and Tax Law divisions
- Social security and additional social protection
- International Relocation – Secondment – Expatriation – Business immigration and work permits in France for foreign personnel
- Employment litigation (Industrial Tribunals, Court of Appeal, Social division of the Judicial Court, administrative courts and support before the Court of Cassation when necessary). The lawyers of the Social Division are also trained in negotiation (negotiation and reasoned negotiation – Harvard Method) and support companies in the implementation of alternative methods when relevant (mediation for example)
BREMENS AVOCATS offers clients practical training in employment law, social security law and human resources. Training is provided by our specialist lawyers who take both an advisory and a litigation approach to the subject.
We aim to ensure immediate operational practices that comply with legal and contractual regulations, for use by HRDs, HRMs and all human resources or payroll managers.
We also offer tailor-made training courses, based on our clients' requirements such as the fundamentals of the employment contract from a collective agreement perspective, disciplinary law for managers, strategic management of the CSE for the Human Resources department, identifying and managing Occupational Health and Safety issues, supporting the Human Resources department in an acquisition or external development operation, sickness, and providing assistance with international transfers.
Training can be provided in-house, in companies or via training organisations.
Several times a year, the firm's employment practice group offers a legal and case law update in the form of a webinar available to all our clients.